Musical metamorphoses

Musical metamorphoses


Musical metamorphoses are workshops involving musical improvisation starting with puppet theater.

Workshops for school children are conducted by Dagna Sadkowska every Monday. The topics of the workshops will include sounds and objects, emotions and etudes, as well as roles, dialogue and orchestra.

Workshop outcomes will be published on the website in the form of a media library.

Dagna Sadkowska – violinist, soloist and chamber orchestra player, member and co-founder of the Kwartludium contemporary music ensemble, educator, author of the series Musical Pictures delivered in association with and within the Zacheta National Art Gallery, author of the Internet Music Education Toolkit, curator and initiator of Warszawska Jesien Klubowo, creator of the Wild Classics and Small Wild Classics concert series for children and adults, member of the supervisory group overseeing the European New:Aud contemporary music promotion project, employed at Gimnazjum Przymierza Rodzin nr 2 with 21 years’ experience of teaching.